Mahabodhi Temple


The Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya, among India’s best spiritual destinations, isn’t merely a temple that marks the area where Buddha was enlightened. This elaborately designed and immaculately maintained complex features an extraordinarily relaxing and peaceful ambiance; what folks from all areas of life can appreciate. It is one of the rare surviving examples of early brick structures in India, Which had significant influence in the development of architecture over the centuries.

Why important:

The nearest city to Bodh Gaya, known as Gaya, was a loud and seething jumble of folks, roads, animals, and even targeted traffic of all types.

It is thought Emperor Ashoka first constructed the temple within the 3rd century. The current form of its dates to the 6th century or the 5th. But, most of it was removed by Muslim rulers within the 11th century.

Even the current bodhi tree in the temple complex isn’t the first tree that the Buddha grew to be enlightened under. The other trees have been damaged, over the period, by natural and human-made disasters.

Some other facts:

Aside from the primary shrine, which contains a yellow-painted sculpture of Buddha, made of dark stone designed by the Pala kings of Bengal, you will find several locations of significance in which Buddha spent time the following: getting enlightened. Signs suggest exactly where each business owner is, and also, by walking around identifying all of them, you will have the ability to retrace the Buddha’s pursuits.

The most critical of the sacred locations is the bodhi tree. Not to be wrongly identified as the countless other substantial trees in the complex, it is right behind the first shrine, towards the west. The church faces east, and that is the path Buddha was faced with as he was meditating underneath the tree.

To the south, a fish-pond adjoins the temple complex, and it is believed to be where Buddha may have bathed. Yet, it was the region surrounding the location of contemplation also known as the Jewel House or maybe Ratanaghara in the northeast.  The Buddha was believed to have invested the 4th week after enlightenment found mediation there.

What is the best time to go:

The Mahabodhi Temple complex is available from 5 a.m. until nine p.m. There is no entry fee. Though, the cost for cameras is a hundred rupees, and 300 rupees for video clip cameras. The meditation park is available for sunrise until sunset. A little entry payment is payable.
